Meet Carol Hennessey

As a ‘seasoned’ 60+ year old enthusiast who finds reward in inspiring other women to find their courage, my mission is to help you discover the super greatness and reward from falling in love with your UNcomfort zone.

Photo credit to my friend Thanks Loren!

It may be the utter fear of hosting a dinner party, doing a road trip by yourself, starting a new job, losing a job, or changing your zip-code. Whatever it is that follows the words, “I could never…” is exactly what we need to be doing. Especially as we blow out more and more candles, and start settling into that nest-like ‘comfort zone’ that has become such a buzz-word.

No change. No risk. No challenge.

All of the above equals no reward or growth.

So, welcome in. I’d offer you a cup o’coffee, but I’ve never had a cup (crazy?), so I’d recommend you bring it with you. I think that’s “BYOC”. Or wine? BYOW. Uh-huh, now we’re talking.

For most of us, fear and self doubt are at the front door of our UNcomfort zones. I invite you to come through the door, and see what’s here for you so we can find our courage to face the tough stuff together.

Check out these two posts to see where I started:

Standing on the High Dive and Fears of all Shapes and Sizes in Your 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s.

Because, it’s on the other side of the tough stuff where we find real reward. And I can help you get there. One step at a time. Because I know you have it in you, even when you’re convinced it’s impossible.

So come with me, and Fall in love with your UNcomfort zone… ~ Carol

Disclaimer: “I could never…” (and will never) jump out of an airplane, bungee jump, or pole dance. For real.

**As a side note, for those of you who are inspired to leave a comment on a post, please know how appreciative I am, and will always do my best to respond as quickly as possible. I love the interaction!